
14 minutes read

Anti-crisis measures to increase income: what are they?

In a crisis, when companies' incomes are at risk, it is important to pay attention not only to production, but also to sales, planning and marketing. This article will help you understand what indicators and methods will allow you to effectively manage your business during a crisis.

Anti-crisis measures to increase income: what are they?


14 minutes read

In a crisis, when companies' incomes are at risk, it is important to pay attention not only to production, but also to sales, planning and marketing. This article will help you understand what indicators and methods will allow you to effectively manage your business during a crisis.

Key indicators for monitoring

Sales revenue

Sales revenue is the actual money you make each day. Keep track of each manager's revenue to see who's really working and who's not. At the end of the week, summarize and create charts to visualize trends.

Overdue accounts receivable

This is money you could have received but haven't received yet. Record the weekly and daily amount of debt returned and plot it on a chart to see the trend.

Overdue accounts payable

Calculate the weekly amount of bills you should have paid but haven't paid. This will help you control the balance between your expenses and income.

Operating performance indicator

Determine your indicator, for example, the cost of delivered goods or completed work, and calculate it in monetary terms.

Planning activities

Planning is a key element in introducing strict discipline in the company. Require detailed plans with specific results from sales managers, not general tasks.

Example plans:


Employees must provide reports on the fulfillment of plans in quantitative terms. This will allow us to evaluate the real effectiveness of their work.


In times of crisis, marketing becomes especially important. Your product or service must be visible. High-quality promotion will definitely lead to increased sales.


1. Conducting strategic sessions.
2. Manager and Employee Plans: Demand specific results.
3. Reports on plans: Must be in the language of numbers.
4. Product Promotion: Organize quality marketing to attract new customers.

These steps will help you not only survive the crisis, but also strengthen your position in the market.

Kristina Nazin, 2024